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All our teachers have more than 15 years of professional experience and are certified by the world's best rating agencies.

To increase productivity while reducing costs, new technology is needed. For all this to happen, there has to be knowledge and training of the workers who will master this technology. This is the work of our educational division, Formavigo, founded in 1985.

The training completes the comprehensive service that has made Tesol one of the most complete technology centres in the world in the field of welding and automation for factories that do not produce on a production line. His ability to reconcile the day-to-day reality of the companies with the main manufacturers of materials and with the innovative potential of Tesol brand products has been fundamental.

95 percent of our students are hired and get the homologation.

The key to the success of our academic division is twofold. On the one hand, we have the best teachers, who come from industry and from our own R+D+i department. It is also worth mentioning our anticipation of industry trends. We prepare our students to handle technologies that are not yet widespread in a given sector and that will be decisive in breaking the competition.

Our training division has the capacity to serve sixty students at a time, with two workshops with individual cabins, an automation laboratory and several theory classrooms.

In addition to training in conventional welding and advanced systems, Tesol’s classrooms offer courses related to homologation, quality control, occupational risk prevention and technical consultancy.

“Formavigo’s curricula are not born in an office: they are generated by industrial reality and the prototypes that are developed and tested in the Group’s laboratory”.

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